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El Telegrafo – Discover your personas for being illegal in El Sur de Quito

El Telegrafo – Discover your personas for being illegal in El Sur de Quito

Vaseline 5 days ago

There are people who engage in madrugada I realize that about 60 people live in the forest on the Parque Metropolitano del Sur. View information about the bombings in Quito.

The goal of the era becomes extra long ago, but the attack is generated at an ambient temperature in an area that recently a forest fire scenario.

La Policia Nacionaland coordination with la Agency Metropolitana de Control (AMC)intervino in the lugar and tomó las medidas necessities to provide a judicial decision to those responsible.

The miércoles pasadoIn this case, the motorists can cause a ruckus that draws attention to areas in the past, which are constantly under surveillance.

The car ride has a lamado in the street to drive denounce actividades ilegales when you sit in nature and see the safety of the city.

If you have any doubts about whether this is the case, just know that it is report from 9-1-1 for a possible intervention.

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