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LA Dodgers head Fernando Valenzuela is in hospital | TUDN MLB

LA Dodgers head Fernando Valenzuela is in hospital | TUDN MLB

Vaseline 4 days ago

“An informant from Los Ángeles informed me that the legend of the Los Dodgers lanzador, Fernando Valenzuela, has an international hospital training…No se sabe demasiado,” wrote David Faitelson on his cuenta of X, before Twitter.

It is the family that notices the man’s impoverishment…Rezamos por su pronta recuperación…”, according to the TUDN analyst.

The country of Mexico, which received a legacy in the 1980s, has been in transmission in Spanish for the last 21 consecutive periods.

The main part of your announcement is that your decision will be made during the post-Grand League period and the mayors will respect that.